is marketing authentic and from the heart? Liam Kearney Blog

Struggling With Your Marketing

The more people you can advertise to the better…..right?

That depends on who you are and what you are selling….

If you are Coca Cola…then yes. If however you are a small business then not so much. You need to know who you are selling to and where to find them.

Most people believe that a large advertising budget will solve all problems but the reality is that all successful people are doing the work that gets them the results. They find out what is working and then spend the money there.

You need to ask yourself, am I proud of what I am marketing? Would I do business with someone if they were giving out this message, if your answer is no then you need to find something that you do like and use that.

Most people end up using a message in their marketing that they did not like themselves but end up using it themselves because it is easier than thinking up new ideas yourself.

If you can try to market something that really excites you then you will get a completely different kind of customer than if you are using some message that you don’t like.

It’s not rocket science but you will have to do the work to find out what works for you.

Everyone that I know who is earning six figures upwards is working really hard for it and when the find a niche/keyword that works really well, they can just scale up and earn even more money. It will take a little time to figure out what works for you and what doesn’t work but it is so rewarding when you do.

Most of us do not have the budget of a large multinational so we have to think about things differently. You also need to remember that people invest in and buy from people and not from some faceless corporation so show your human side.