Liam Kearney Blog about are you asking yourself the right question to get where you want to be in life?

What Questions Are You Asking Yourself by Liam Kearney

Have you been asking yourself the right questions to get where you want to go?

Yes… that means that you are living the life of your dreams right now..yeah?

I didn’t think so. Find out the number 1 question that you need to ask yourself to get there today

What is that thing that you want to do?

You know the one thing that you have wanted to do for years…..the one that you are afraid to tell people about because it is so big.

Do you have that picture in your head right now?

Good. Now you need to ask yourself the one big question that you have been putting off and is the one thing that can actually help you get that big dream.

How are you going to accomplish it?

Are you willing to look foolish in the beginning to get there?

Most people are not ready to do that. Everybody is fully capable of doing it but few people will have the willingness to do it.

That is fantastic news for you because if you are willing to ask the how question and to do the work then you can put the work in now and know that most people will give up over the next year. This means that if you are willing to do work for the next 12 months and keep going then it will get easier because the amount of people competing at the higher levels is very small and the payoffs are much bigger.

Do I have your attention yet?

That is exciting isn’t it.