Momentum Day | What a fantastic Day!
What was momentum day?
This was a day organised by The Six Figure Mentors to allow members to meet each other and to get some great training and education on Internet marketing and running your own online business.
Highlights of the day for me:
Meeting the co-founders of Six Figure Mentors, Jay Kubassek and Stuart Ross.
Meeting members of the community that I had been speaking to on skype for months.
It was fabulous to meet Jill Humphries, Steve Greenhalgh, Janice Bowles, Mark Ford, Lee and Tami, Greg and Fiona Scott, James Hickey, Lorraine McDonald.
Lee Overy provided us with some mind blowing training on PPV advertising. Thanks for the fantastic and slightly sneaky tricks Lee. I will definitely be using these soon.
Overall experience:
This was my first live event and I really loved it. Everybody who is at the top of our industry says that the real magic happens at live events and I can really see that now. You get such a fantastic energy when you put so many people with the same interest in one room for a day. I will definitely be attending as many of these as I possibly can for the future.
If you have an interest in anything….find an event that you can go to that is related to it and go. You will immediately separate yourself from 90% of people by going to these events and you get to meet some fabulous people and get some great new cutting edge training.