I always thought personal development was a scam because it’s not concrete…
You can’t define it or know what you will get out of it until you try it…
So i took the plunge and I haven’t looked back since.
You don’t know what you are missing if you don’t try it
If you are not getting the results out of life now that you want to be getting, then I’m going to break it to you now…..you can’t keep doing the same things and expect the results to change.
You have to do something different to get different results.
If you want to stay comfortable and are not willing to actually be responsible for where you are now, then you should get used to the way things are and give up any dreams that you have.
Sound like a good idea?…………..No way. Start looking at the patterns that are happening in your life today and see if you are happy with those patterns. If you are not and it makes you uncomfortable……good. It should.
Worried that you don’t know how to fix it….good. Sometimes we don’t have all the answers and have to try new things…..that is where we really learn.
If you want to check out more of my videos, you can find them on YouTube here