Liam Kearney Blog article talking about why you should build in a habit of enjoying downtime and avoiding burnout

What Have You Done to Appreciate Yourself Lately

Have you done anything to appreciate yourself lately?

For most people the answer will be no.

Pure time for yourself, not for someone else or because you felt you should. Actual guilt free time doing something you enjoy??? If you are still not sure…the answer is no.


I definitely did not grow up with the habit of doing something for myself and rewarding myself.

It takes a while to realise that you may not be your own best friend and that is a strange thing to figure out. Why would you not want to set yourself up as best you can to get the most out of your life?

Probably because nobody told you to and there are too many people telling you to not stand out or be different. Just keep your head down and do what everyone else is doing.

Sounds like a great recipe for making yourself unhappy doesn’t it. Maybe it’s time to build in some holidays and some down time and actually spend time doing things that you enjoy,

If you don’t then you will hit burn out at some stage and it won’t be pretty.

Start to take time for yourself today, start small and try to have at least one day off a week.