Every online marketer worth their anything will tell you to build a list…..
But they don’t tell you what to do with it once you have it
The whole point of building a list is so that you can build relationships with the people on it so that they will know, like and trust you(well some of them anyway)
I know so many people who are spending their hard earned money building a list of customers and potential customers and then the list just sits there and and you do nothing with it.
I don’t claim to be different on this on, I have done this too.
I got so caught up in building a list of people and increasing the size of that list that I forgot to talk to them.
You have a massive list of people who have all raised their hand to say that they are interested in what you have to offer and you let them sit there and they might not even know your name if they saw it.
The old way of marketing is fine if that is what you want but it doesn’t excite me any more and I think that any time you can give someone else a bit of yourself and show them what you are really like instead of being one of those people who tries to please everyone, then you get people’s attention because you care about them and you give them value.
How surprised are you when someone shows an interest in you and actually care about you….for most people the answer would be ‘very surprised’.
We are so used to being treated like cattle that we are surprised when someone actually takes the time to connect with us.
This is the same thing on the internet.
You can be that person that sticks out miles because you give people a look at the real you and let them decide for themselves whether they like you or not.
If they don’t like you that’s great because you can get down to having better conversations with those people who actually do like you.
You then get to work with people who you actually get on with…isn’t that a nice idea.
Start talking to your list today. Get them to take some action just to let you know they are still alive and interested in what you have to offer. If you get no response from them….get them off your list and don’t waste any more time trying to talk to them.