If you are not then you are probably not pushing yourself
I used to think that the idea was to get to a point where you are very comfortable doing whatever it is that you do
Boy was I wrong. If you are not working towards something that scares you then you are stuck in your comfort zone.
I’m a bit scared about the event I am attending this weekend but then again that is why I am attending it
Now I’m not necessarily talking mega scared but doing something that you are unsure of and a bit afraid of is healthy and will help you to grow massively.
The growth is the key.
I always thought it was the stuff that you got but now I realise that it is actually what happens to you on the journey to achieving those goals that is the best part.
You have to learn about yourself and grow and do things that you never thought were possible in order to obtain those things that you have never had before.
I never knew that every time you go on a course or try out something new or make mistakes that you grow as a person, I had just chalked it up to experience.
Start today with something that scares you and you won’t even recognise yourself in 6 months never mind a few years down the road.