Does your website have a blog?
If not you need to get one!
Why do you need a blog?
- Your site will rank higher on search engines
- The more content that you have out there, the more customers you can attract
- Higher rankings and more content = more customers = more profits
Check out my video about blogging:
If your website has a blog then you can put up newer more relevant content and if your site has newer more relevant content then it will rank higher than a static webpage that does not change.
Most businesses spend lots of money on a website and then they just sit there not doing anything.
Get a blog on your website today. I highly recommend something based on wordpress as this will rank higher than other blogging platforms.
If you want more help with your blogging and your website, use the contact form in the bottom right corner to schedule a time to speak with me about it or contact me on Facebook by clicking here Liam Kearney .
The link to the above video on YouTube is here YouTube Liam Kearney