Tag Archives: Digital Products

Do You Want to Be at the Top of Your Industry?

Work Smart and Hard

I used to be one of those people that thought that if I just worked harder and harder then I would earn more money and be happy.

How wrong was I?

I have recently figured out that the people who are at the top of their game in whatever their chosen career is…..are not super human. They are not smarter than you or I. They are just working smarter and have a gameplan.

I have been working on my first digital product and have figured out that I haven’t been committed enough over the last month to really get this product out for sale. I had been using excuses like ‘ I don’t know if this is the right domain name’ or ‘This is exactly perfect’.

All of these are excuses to keep me exactly where I am. No More!

I had been trying to get every single piece of the puzzle in place before beginning advertising.

What a load of crap. When you break it down….All I really need is a product and a sales pitch to advertise……That’s it. Simple.

I had been thinking I need a product, a landing page, a sales page, an autoresponder sequence and loads of other stuff. Talk about overcomplicating things.

We all do this is various parts of our lives.

I have now started to think differently. What is the fastest way to take my product to market? What is the least amount of work that I am willing to do? Am I willing to lose sleep short term so that I can get what I want in the long term.

I shot a video for you to give you something to think about. Let me know what you think!