Are you starting a business or setting yourself a goal to do something new?
Are you going to treat it like a new years resolution or are you committed to it?
Most people say they want something but they give up really easily…Why is that?
Well the reason is really simple:
While we say that we want something….what we are really thinking is I’ll give this a go for a while and if it works then I’ll do it.
Does that sound insane to anyone else? I’m not pointing fingers at anyone here with that statement because I have done this too.
The idea that I’ll do a little work and see if it becomes massively successful and then i’ll do more work just seems completely backward now. We’ve all heard of overnight successes in the music industry or an actor who nobody knew yesterday is suddenly on every paper this morning.
Do you think that they really became an overnight success by luck…..that somebody spotted their talent and made them a superstar overnight?
What we don’t see with the people who are at the top of their game is the 10 or 15 or even longer in some case of years of work to get to that point where when they have that breakthrough that they can enjoy it a bit more but that only comes after the years of work before.
Do you think any of these people who have put in 15 years of work in a specific industry or doing a specific job and are now earning millions….did it by luck? No chance.
They see the long term gains and that they will get there if they keep at it.
I personally think that the first few months are the crucial parts when starting out doing something new. The reason for this is that you become uncomfortable because you have never done it before and this isn’t where we want to stay.
When I started out online building my business, I remember being so frustrated on so many different occasions because things weren’t going as I had planned and it is difficult to keep doing the work with when setback after setback keep coming up.
I also realised that after a certain amount of time, it gets easier. What I mean by that is that I became more certain that this will work so it meant that everytime something did not go to plan that I looked at it differently.
That didn’t work….How else can I do it?
If you can get past that initial stumbling block of wanting to run because it is uncomfortable…your chances of success get bigger and bigger because the longer you stay with it…..the more the competition gives up so that when you do get to have your business running well…there are fewer people there so you can make more money.
Stick with it. Do the work and know that it will pay off. (That advice is for me too. )