I have been reading some of Richard Bandler’s Book called ‘Using your Brain – for a change’ and I am blown away with it.
Some of my old and not so old patterns of behaving are really showing up today.
It really made me think about the way that we treat people/friends/loved ones. We really are all crazy people at times!….I’m not pointing fingers because I have done all of these and am actually embarrassed as I writing this……
I wanted to share a few of the little gems that will hopefully provoke as much thought for you as they did for me.
People are seldom nasty to strangers . You really have to get to know and love someone before you can treat them like dirt make them feel bad about the small things. Few people will yell at a stranger about ‘important’ things like crumbs on the breakfast table but if you love them, it’s ok???
Why do so few people think ‘What’s going to be important for someone else?’ or ‘What could I do that would help that person want to do this for me?’
If you are in a relationship and your partner goes out to do ‘whatever’ and you don’t want them to go so you tell them and then they feel bad. Then they go and they feel guilty and they associate that with you and don’t want to be there when they get home.
This one is my favourites as I have done this on numerous occasions and looking at it now…..it’s insane.
When something happens that you don’t like, do you say ‘It’s your fault, I’m going to destroy you’ which was probably useful in the jungle or do you think ‘I’ve got a brain. Let’s back up a little bit, keep in mind what I want, and go for it’.
There is a link here to the book and I give full credit to Richard Bandler for the above paragraphs. The book is well worth a read if you want to check it out.