Facebook Ad Mistakes

Facebook bannedWhat not to do with FaceBook Ads

What I did to have my facebook page shutdown….

So I decided to put up my first FaceBook ad. I was really excited. I had never done this before and it was cool.

So I logged into Facebook and searched FaceBook ads and up came the lovely  button ‘Create an ad’ so of course I clicked on it and went about creating an ad.

There are a couple of things to do to create an ad on FaceBook:

  1. You have figure out what webpage or FaceBook page you want to send the person to when they click on the ad. I got that sorted and inserted the web address.
  2. Create the Headline for the ad. I had watched a few videos with advice on how to set up a FaceBook ad so I knew that the headline had to be good enough to draw attention and it is generally better to have a headline ask a question. Done.
  3. Select a picture that will be shown with the ad. I knew this was one of the most important thing because it needs to grab attention so I selected a great picture and was really making progress.
  4. Write something telling people what your ad is about. Eventually I wrote this out in a way that I thought seemed quite good. Fantastic.
  5. Go through the steps for selecting the audience you want to see it.
  • What countries?
  • What language?
  • What age people?
  • Men or women?
  • Precise interests?
  • selected how much I wanted to pay
It took a little time but I got there.

Really happy and excited now I went to pay and they give a couple of options for this so I selected Paypal as I already have an account with them so this should be easy.

I logged into the Paypal and then my FaceBook account was shut down.


I was devastated. I had just put all this time into creating this ad and now my account was shut down for suspicious activity.

I couldn’t get the account activated again.

Why did this happen?

All this happened because the email for my FaceBook and the email for Paypal were different.


So for any of you out there who are thinking of using or are using FaceBook ads, always remember that your FaceBook email must match your Paypal email if you are going to pay with Paypal.



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