Liam Kearney Blogpost on how we make decisions

Choose Fast and Make Your Decisions Now

Are you bad at making decisions?

Does it take you ages to make a choice about the trivial things that don’t matter?

I used to do that but then i figured out that most of the time it doesn’t really make that much difference if you choose option A or option B.

Check out today’s video:

When you are making a choice or deciding on something, make sure you have it in the right context. Don’t spend 10 minutes deciding which socks to wear to work and the spend 10 seconds on what to do with the rest of your life. Oversimplified I know.

Make sure you know what level the decision you are making is at. Don’t spend 30 mins on a 10 second decision. get in the habit of making your decisions fast and make new ones as soon as you get feedback.

I’m sure there are plenty of decisions that you have made in the past that you would make differently if you were to make them again now so don’t worry about it. Make a decision today!

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