Liam Kearney Bucket List Blog

Do You Have a Bucket List

Have you ever sat down and written a bucket list?

It was much more difficult than I thought it would be.

I got to number 22 pretty easily and then I got about 65 and got stuck there for quite a while.

I think it was a strange exercise for me because if you can write down a list of 101 things that you want to do and there are no limits, I found it quite difficult to expand my horizons so that my old programming and my surroundings were not heavily influencing me.


If you could have anything you wanted in this world, what would you want? Immediately I thought of big houses and flash cars but i’m not even sure that I want those.

So for me because of the surroundings that I am in most of the time, I will have certain limiting beliefs based on that. This made writing my bucket list interesting because I had not realised how limited my thinking was.

Anyway, getting back to my point here, while I was writing my bucket list I started coming up with a list of people that I wanted to speak to. I have come to a point now that I know what I want my career outcome to be. I want to own a business and have somebody else run it for me. This means that I want to speak with as many people as possible who have this. I now have 10 people on that list and it is growing every day.

It’s a little different and little outside the box but…there is nothing to lose. What is the worst that people will say….No.

So I recommend sitting down to write your bucket list today and start creating those goals of what you actually want from life.

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