Liam Kearney| Day 4 of Top Google ranking Challenge
Today I wanted to speak a little about Internet Marketing.
I wanted to find out how to market a business online when I first discovered Internet Marketing. So much of the advertising in the Internet Marketing niche is horrendous in my opinion. Check out my video by clicking Liam Kearney
It is full of ‘Make money online’ and ‘business opportunities’ which means that all of the marketing shows people with fast cars and lots of cheques. What a turnoff!
For most people who run a real business…they understand the power of advertising. They understand the need to find more customers and build better relationships with them.
I created this video telling you a few of my pet hates about internet marketing.
It would have been so nice to actually speak to someone online who wasn’t telling me to buy this and make money now.
There are some legit people out there who will teach you the skills that you need to promote your business online without all the BS.
If you need any help with this, feel free to contact me using the form on the bottom right of this page.
Check out other videos from my Youtube Channel here: Liam Kearney Youtube