Solo Ad Training part 1 | Is it a good place to put a solo ad
I don’t think that there is enough good information available on how to find out where to put your solo ad so I decided to create some. My aim from this is to give good quality content to educate you on where to buy your solo ad and how to check to see if it is a good place to put your solo ad. For any of you who don’t know what a solo ad is, check out my post on ‘What is a Solo Ad‘.
There will be a few videos and each one will build on what goes before it so it is important to watch all of them but they will all be good simple training on their own.
Part 1 today is about how to find places that you can but solo ads and then to opt in to the lists to see what kind of emails they are sending out as this is a really simple easy way to test the quality of a list.
Outcome: The outcome that we want is to find lists that are run by somebody who cares about their subscribers. When the list owner cares, they will not send loads of advertisements and spam their list just to make money. They will give them good quality content and build a good relationship with them. This is great news for us as when they do occasionally send out a solo ad, the subscribers are more likely to check out the offer as they trust the list owner.
So what do we want from a list that we are going to send out a solo advertisement to?
- A Good Caring Owner Of The List
- Good Quality Content delivered regularly
- Few Solo Advertisements Being Sent Out
- Ideally A Buying List(people who have made a purchase before)
All of these will greatly improve the opt in numbers of the ad and the conversions of how many of these people actually buy something.
Check out my video here: